Monday, March 31, 2014

Thank you!

I can't start without saying a HUGE thank you to everyone who has downloaded Target and Bait. Right now Target is #9 on Amazon's Christian Suspense top 100 list. That is crazy. But the emails I've had from people who took the time to fill out the Contact form on my website to tell me how much  they liked it, and those who left Amazon reviews--that is honestly unreal. And I'm kind of like:

But also like:

That's my friend Melissa. She's pretty cool.

So what's next?
Well, my first Love Inspired Suspense is out at the beginning of May, and I'll be self-publishing another full length novel June 31st. It's called Sanctuary Lost, and I'll be revealing the cover, when there is one.
There will be one...right, Kristen? Right now we're at the creative stage wherein I'm going, "What about this? Did you try that picture? Can you make her head smaller?"
Which are all important, since no one wants their heroine to have a big head.

Pretty soon I'll be starting the second book in the Sanctuary series, which will be called either "Sanctuary Series" or "Sanctuary Buried". You tell me which is better, because either works and I can't decide. (Please comment below or on Facebook and put me out of my misery. Really.)

So here's my question. In a scenario where the characters will be acting in a dinner-theater style, modern rendition of the Shakespeare play Much Ado About Nothing, what would the play's title be?
I need a contemporary expression or phrase that basically means, "All this fuss over nothing." But not that many words.

Got any ideas? 

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